Product Features
Designed with main applications
- CNC Online Milling and CNC Offline Code Editor
- CNC Offline Editor is designed to assist the user to create a CNC Online Milling program in an easy and friendly environment
- CNC Online Milling is designed to allow an operation of the CNC

CNC Offline Editor feature

Complete with error checking and error feedback
- To ensure only the right code executed
- Status feedback is provided to assist user to remember the current state of modal commands. This system also complete with error feedback that explain why error have been flagged
Manual Motion
- Manual motion with three basic movement : 1) jogging, 2) stepping and 3) point-to-point
Manual calibration
CNC Code Interpretation
- CNC Code Interpretation with enhancement of interruptibility background code- checking whilst typing, coloured coded for error checking and feedback
Input Assistant
- To help first time user in term of coding setting and motion in CNC environment.
- 3-Axis Milling using standard CNC program codes (up to 10, 000 lines)
- An interactive CNC code editing environment with color coded checking and feedback
- Input support for first time CNC programmers
- These features have all the fundamental codes built in using plain English
- Complete with error checking and feedback
- User friendly and simple interface